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Sterba's NEW Logical Problem of Evil | Argument Hacking

James Sterba offers a new logical problem of evil. It develops out of the Pauline principle to never do evil that good may come (Rom. 3.8). Sterba...

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Unpacking 'The Best Argument for God' with Pat Flynn

In this episode of the Coffee with Philosophers podcast, Pat Flynn unpacks the core arguments of his book, 'The Best Argument for God'. Watch to...

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3 Keys to Unlock Swinburne's Resurrection Argument

Richard Swinburne argues that Jesus's resurrection is highly probable. In this video, you'll discover 3 keys for unlocking his argument. The first...

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Analyzing William Lane Craig's Defense of the Slaughter of the Canaanites

Alex O'Connor ( @CosmicSkeptic ) discussed with William Lane Craig ( @ReasonableFaithOrg ) the slaughter of the Canaanites....

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Defending Creaturely Intrinsic Value with Dr. Daniel Rubio

Do humans have intrinsic valueIn this episode of Coffee With Philosophers, Dr. Daniel Rubio discusses his paper "Intrinsically Good, God...

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How the DEFEAT Condition Handles TRICKY Problems of EVIL

Why would a good God allow horrendous suffering? Why would a good God allow people to go through something like the Holocaust? Why would a good God...

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Exploring "God of Holy Love" with Dr. Jonathan Rutledge

Why did God create anything at all? Why did Christ incarnate and atone for our sins? A framework for divine action tries to capture and predict...

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Swinburne on the Incarnation: How Could Jesus NOT Do Wrong?

How could Jesus have not done wrong given that he was truly human? Swinburne proposes a divided mind view of the incarnation, where Christ has two...

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5 Powerful Arguments for God

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